The Rio Hondo Confluence Area Plan is a study within the Los Angeles (LA) River Master Plan focused on a proposed Signature Project at the confluence of the Los Angeles River and the Rio Hondo. Located in Southeast Los Angeles (SELA), cities such as South Gate, Lynwood, and Downey are some of the most historically underserved in Los Angeles County and in critical need of improved environmental living conditions, public open space, and cultural amenities. The 120-acre plan spans the 450-foot-wide LA River channel and introduces new ecological habitats, urban forests, bridge parks, an education center, a network of multi-modal trails, and green infrastructure for onsite stormwater capture and storage.

Work completed at OLIN while Derek Hoetmer was employed as a landscape architect.

©OLIN ©GehryPartners

LOCATION / Los Angeles, CA

CLIENT / County of Los Angeles

DATE / 2018-2022

TEAM / Gehry Partners, Geosyntec